Tanzania Safari Checklist

Tanzania Safari Checklist

Tanzania Safari Checklist

There is no dress code for safari, however, it is advised that you wear inconspicuous clothes in brown, green, beige, khaki, or other neutral colors so as not to draw attention to yourself or frighten the animals away. As driving distances can be quite long while on safari, you should dress lightly and comfortably. With evenings able to get quite cold, it is also advisable to bring along warmer clothes. Below you’ll find our recommended list of things to bring along with you when you’re on safari.

A backpack - A backpack comes in handy for items you might need to access while on a game drive.

A warm sweater - Nights and mornings in East Africa can be cold, so it's always good to have something a little warmer to throw on until the sun warms the plains up.

A Waterproof jacket - You never know when there's going to be a sudden squall or downpour, so packing a lightweight rain jacket is a good idea. While you'll be safe and dry inside your safari vehicle, a rain jacket is a good option for when you're getting about camp.

Walking shoes or boots - Much of your safari takes place within your safari vehicle, but you'll need a comfortable pair of shoes or hiking boots for walking to your lodges, snapping photos from the picnic spot. Even in the car, you'll want a pair of comfortable shoes that cover your skin to prevent sunburn and insect bites.

A long sleeve dress shirt and trousers - Perfect for both sun protection and to ward off hungry mosquitoes, a long sleeve shirt and trousers are also a good option for a cold morning or evening.

Bathing suit - Some lodges and campsites have a pool and you might find yourself longing for a refreshing dip.

Sunglasses - The sun in East Africa can be quite intense, so sunglasses are a good protective measure and have the benefit of reducing glare while you're game-viewing.

Hat - Sun protection should be a priority while you're on safari. While your vehicle provides shade, having the top up for game-viewing means you'll be exposed to the elements. A good hat is a great way to avoid nasty burns or heatstroke.

Sunscreen and lip balm - Another valuable precaution against the often harsh equatorial sun, sunscreen, and lip balm will protect you where your clothes don't.

Insect repellent - Mosquitoes and tsetse flies are both capable of carrying diseases and their bites can be quite irritating or painful. Tsetse flies can deliver a particularly nasty sting.

Camera - You're going to want a camera for your safari adventure. While in some cases your smartphone will be enough to snap a shot, a camera with a good zoom lens is the perfect companion.

Binoculars - Our vehicles come standard with a single pair of binoculars that you can share with your driver, but having your pair is a good way to ensure you don't miss a second of the action. You don't need an expensive pair. Even a travel-sized pair of binoculars is sufficient for game viewing.

Batteries and/or chargers for your camera - You don't want to be midway through a day on safari and suddenly run out of battery for your camera. Our vehicles come standard with in-car charging stations, but it's always a good idea to travel with an additional battery. Additional SD cards are also a good idea to ensure you don't need to stop deleting photos.

Phone and charger - Whether it's to stay in touch, to share your photos, or just so you can snap pictures on the fly - bringing along your smartphone is a good idea. Savvy travelers may wish to purchase a local SIM card, but most hotels have WiFi. While on safari in Tanzania, our vehicles are WiFi equipped, however, reception is dependent on location.

Tissues/Wet Wipes - While all national parks and lodges have toilet facilities available, there's no telling when nature might call and you'll need to make use of the famous 'bush toilet'.

Personal items:

  • Small flashlight
  • Medical Essentials
  • Anti-malarial medication
  • Painkillers
  • Antihistamines for allergies and insect bites
  • Cold and flu medication
  • Anti-Diarrhea medication
  • Medicines for re-hydration after diarrhea or sunstroke
  • Eye drops
  • Moisturizer for treating sunburn
  • Antiseptic lotion
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Bandages and plasters
  • Scissors
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