Are You Planning For A Successful Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing In 2022?

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Kilimanjaro Dreamers

Congratulations! You have challenged yourself to stand on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

But now you are in doubt, how to ensure life on the top of the roof of Africa. So, a good preparation is the main key to your success in Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

Take a breath! Start preparing yourself with high enthusiasm by following our Kilimanjaro Climbing Guide. It will help you for a successful summit on the top of Kilimanjaro. 

Kilimanjaro, The Roof Of Africa:

With a height of 5896 meters [19,340 ft.], Mount Kilimanjaro is standing proudly on the free plain of Tanzania. It is probably known as the highest mountain in Africa and the highest freestanding mountain in the World.

How can such a massive layer-cake of volcanic rock shoot up from the Tanzanian plains? That touches the clouds so high that its peak is snowcapped on the equator. Uhuru peak, Kibo [19,340 ft.] is considered one of the seven summits as the highest point in Africa.

How To Plan A Perfect Mount Kilimanjaro Climb?

Mount Kilimanjaro is not that difficult to climb up, you must need some plan and precautions for a safer journey. In this article, we have given you some ideas to plan in a better way.

Pick a suitable time to visit Mount Kilimanjaro:

If Climbing Kilimanjaro is at the top of your bucket list, then it’s advisable to pick your Best Time to Climb Kilimanjaro.

Hence, Mount Kilimanjaro has no specific time to visit, but the dry season is better among all.

  • Short dry season- from December to March.
  • Long dry season- from June to October.

You can come any time during these two dry seasons and can enjoy your trip without any hardships.

March to June and October to December are two rainy seasons available here. We don’t suggest you plan your trip at these times of the year.

You Need To Know The Routes To Climb Kilimanjaro:

Kilimanjaro’s highest peak is Africa’s highest point, so, one can’t depreciate it in choosing the appropriate route to climb. Although it has six routes, all differ according to their success rates.

You must choose the Kilimanjaro Routes according to the trip’s timing, your budget, and the travel company you book.

These are some main routes for your hike to Kilimanjaro.

Lemosho Route: This is the longer but the most beautiful route up to the mountain. Lemosho Route provides you with many challenges and varieties to face on your path.

It takes 8 days to hike and its success rate is 85%. But it is one of the most expensive routes, however.

Machame Route: This is the most famous route as well as more challenging. Machame Route has a 75% success rate of 7 days of planning.

Marangu Route: This route has a less success rate as it takes 5 days to climb. Marangu Route is popularly known as the Coca-Cola route and many unprepared travelers prefer to choose it.

Marangu has an easy and cozy path to climb up with a success rate of 80%.

Rongai Route: The Rongai Route is compatibly easy to climb with a high success rate of 70%. This route takes 6 days to trek. You can watch wildlife during your journey.

Here you can find less crowd so that you will enjoy your trip by this route.

Shira Route: On the first day, the Shira Route hurtles you into some high altitudes since it joins the Machame route.

You will complete your hike in 6 days by this route. But it’s better to choose a longer one for proper adaptation.

Umbwe Route:  The Umbwe Route has also a less success rate as it takes 2 days to hike. It is especially recommended for experienced climbers.

You can visualize striking scenery on this path. But don’t choose this route if you are not a habitual climber.

Decide Your Budget For Your Trip To Kilimanjaro:

Every journey needs a specific range of prices. If you have planned for a Tanzania safari to Mount Kilimanjaro, set the Kilimanjaro Climbing Price as per your budget. There are luxury companies, offer high-quality services on the top of the mountain. There are also some cheap companies available if you want to spend less.

We suggest you to go for a middle-range company, because-

  • They provide you with good service with an experienced guide who will make you know more things during your hike.
  • Their porters are also paid fairly so that you can be sure that your team will be taken care of.
  • People get seriously injured by trekking with low prices companies. Don’t cut a corner! Pay for a trustworthy company for a safer trip.

The price range is usually USD 1000 to USD 5000 per person. We suggest you go with a company not less than USD 2000 and you won’t miss anything during your trip.

Finding a reputed Kilimanjaro tour company:

Hiking without porters is forbidden. So, you should hire a good company that will offer you Kilimanjaro Tour Guides, gear, porters, paperwork, and everything you need.

But you will find a lot of companies, how can you the good one?

Here, we are helping you by providing some tips to find an honest trekking company.

  • Read their online review before hiring. Always look for a company with positive reviews.
  • Ask about their porters and travel guides.
  • Know about other travelers, you will be going to travel with.
  • Some companies offer free hotel stay before a night of trekking and after drop-off. So choose a company with included accommodation.

Covered with travel insurance:

Remember, Mount Kilimanjaro is 14,340 feet high. So, it’s advisable to get travel insurance before climbing the mountain.

There are some restrictions with some travel insurance policies on how high you are going to climb. That means if you face any health issues over an altitude, your policy won’t work anymore.

So, keep in mind your insurance cover all the altitudes, no matter with whom you book.

Train in advance for the hiking:

There are various challenges you will face in every route of Kilimanjaro. So, to face these kinds of challenges you have to keep your body fit and healthy for an amazing adventure.

 However, you don’t need any specific training. Just spend 5-6 days doing some physical exercises before your Kilimanjaro Climb. You can walk daily for two hours on the stair master or the treadmill. It will be helpful for you.

These kinds of exercises will help you by building your courage and sufferance for your hike.

Have the right clothing and gear:

Make sure you have all the gears you need for your hiking to Kilimanjaro. Recheck your Kilimanjaro Packing List to ensure your necessary equipment.

  • In climbing Kilimanjaro, you should keep your feet safer. That’s why you need to buy an everlasting pair of trekking boots.
  • Backpack with a warm drown jacket that you can wear on the summit nights.
  • Keep a water bladder with you as it is essential for your trekking. 

Be Careful About Altitude Sickness:

You may feel Kilimanjaro Altitude Sickness like headache, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite, and difficulties in breathing. It happens usually in high altitudes. So, you need to consult your doctor before your Climbing Kilimanjaro.

Choosing the right way to hike and giving yourself ample time to go to the high altitude are all important.

The most suggested route is the 8 days Lemosho route for less possibility of these problems.

Keep Hydrated Yourself During Your Trip:

Drink as much as you can. Because keeping yourself hydrated is most necessary. Your body gets dehydrated at altitude. So, you have to be aware of it.

  • You have to drink more water than you drink in a normal way.
  • Carrying 5-6 liter of water with your backpack is enough for a day.
  • Better take boiled water as it is safer to drink at the altitude.

Go Slow And Steady To Win Mount Kilimanjaro:

When you planning to hike a mountain like Kilimanjaro, keep in mind that you need to be slow. Keeping yourself forwarding slowly is the ultimate key to your success.

  • Make sure your heart rate is correct at the altitudes.
  • The summit nights are very difficult to get over. So, it is essential to save your energy as much as you can.
  • Take a deep breath in every step to supply sufficient oxygen to your body.

Things You Need To Know About Climbing Kilimanjaro:

  • The higher you go at the altitude, the less UV protection you find. So to keep yourself away from the harmful UV rays use a good sunscreen.
  • Bring some snacks for the summit night.
  • Pay extra for your private toilet. Because some companies charge extra for a separate toilet which will go along with you.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a stunning, satisfying, and inspiring journey. Need some quality preparation and you will see yourself on the roof of Africa. Click a lot of pictures and post them on social media to let people know how Kilimanjaro has its own world.

Do you get all your answers about your Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing? Hopefully, you will be successful now in your dream adventure through our complete guide. For more queries, visit our website Kilimanjaro Dreamers. Our expert travel agencies are dedicatedly available all day-night to help you.

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