8 Days Machame Route Banner

8 Days Machame Route

8 Days Machame Route

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All Year


9 - 10 HRS





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Group Size

up to 15



8 Days 7 nights Machame variation is the ideal schedule for this route.

On the 5 nights 8 days Machame Route, the trek from Barranco Camp to Barafu Camp is broken up in to two days, allowing for a short day just prior to Uhuru Peak attempt.

This is very important for the climbers because the summit day starts very early, around midnight, so climbers are sleep deprived going into the toughest day on the mountain.

By having a short day before hand, trekkers can be better rested.

Mount Kilimanjaro



We will meet you on arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport and drive you to your lodge in Arusha. Make sure to get a good night’s rest in preparation for the trekking adventure ahead of you.

Trek Machame Gate to Machame Camp

After breakfast, you'll be met by your local guide and take a short drive from Arusha to Machame Gate. Here, you'll go through registration, your briefing session and you'll meet the rest of your team of guides, cooks and porters. Begin winding your way through the rainforest and keep an eye out for wildlife on the trail up to the first campsite.

  • Elevation: 5,400ft to 9,400ft
  • Distance: 11 km
  • Hiking Time: 5-7 hours
  • Accommodation: Machame Camp
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Moorland

Machame Camp to Shira Camp

After an early breakfast, we climb to the top of the rain forest and follow a gentle gradient though the moorlands. After lunch we follow a rocky ridge, and as Shira plateau comes into sight, we are welcomed with some spectacular views of the Western Breach with its stunning glaciers. The path leads us to Shira camp, which is located on moorland meadows next to a cold mountain stream. We should arrive at camp around 2-3pm, and have the rest of the afternoon and early evening to explore the plateau. Please note that this camp is exposed to the elements and at night temperatures can drop to below freezing.

  • Elevation: 2850m to 3810m
  • Distance: 5 km
  • Hiking Time: 4-6 hours
  • Accommodation: Machame Camp
  • Habitat: Moorland

Shira Camp to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

Today’s hike will take us past the Lava Tower at 4600m before descending down to Barranco Hut at an altitude of 3900m. Today is extremely important for acclimatization, and will be the toughest so far. The terrain will change from moorland into semi desert and rocky landscape, which surrounds the Lava Tower. Barranco Camp is in a valley below the Breach and Great Barranco Wall, and we should arrive at camp around 4pm, giving us time to rest and find a prime position for what is sure to be a memorable sunset.

Today be careful to notice any signs of altitude sickness and be sure to make our guides aware of how your feeling, so that they can plan accordingly and make recommendations for the following days hike.

  • Elevation: 12,500ft to 13,000ft
  • Distance: 7 km
  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
  • Accommodation: Barranco campsite
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Semi Desert

Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

Over breakfast we take in the enormity which is the great Barranco Breach Wall and consider our next task of climbing it! The climb itself is not as hard as you may anticipate and brings us just below the Heim Glacier. We now head down into the Karanga Valley, where our path entwines with the Umbwe route. We plan to arrive at Karanga camp by mid-day, giving us time to unpack, relax and socialize before dinner.

  • Elevation: 13,000ft to 14,800 ft
  • Distance: 5 km
  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
  • Accommodation: Karanga campsite
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Semi Desert

Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

Leaving Karanga camp we have another shortish day but with some steep valleys to negotiate. We have some hard hiking today, especially as your body may well be struggling with the altitude. Our destination is Barafu Camp (Barafu meaning ‘ice’ in Kiswahili) from where we make our final ascent at midnight. Once at the camp we will have time to walk around the rocky ridge for some spectacular views of Mawenzi peak and Kibo, weather permitting! We will have the afternoon to prepare our equipment for our final ascent and then an early dinner and early to bed to get some much needed pre-climb rest and sleep.

  • Elevation: 14,800 ft 15,100ft
  • Distance: 4 km
  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
  • Accommodation: Machame CampBarafu campsite
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Semi Desert

Barafu Camp – Uhuru Peak- Mweka Huts

Today is our ascent day! We’ll wake at 23:30, have a light breakfast and prepare for our journey under a star lit sky. It will be a very cold and steep hike, but everyone’s spirits will be high! We have around a 6-8 hour hike to the top of Africa. Once at Uhuru Peak, we will have reached the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa. You would have to travel more than 3,000 miles toward the Himalayas to find a higher peak!

Faster hikers will see an incredible sunrise from the summit, others from Stella Point, just below on the craters edge, but both are sure to be a memorable and breath-taking experience. Once we have all reached the summit, had time for some ‘champion’ photos, we need to head straight down. We head for Mweka Huts, which will take around 5 hours, after dinner we get some well-deserved sleep!

Please note that we will be doing the beginning of this climb in the dark with headlamps or flashlights. It will be very cold until you start descending, so you will need all of your warm layers. This is, by far, the most difficult part of the trek. Slowly, slowly and in Kiswahili “pole, pole,” an optimistic attitude will get you there!

  • Elevation: 4673m to 5895m to 3068m
  • Distance: 4 km up, 11 km down
  • Hiking Time: 13-16 hours
  • Accommodation: Barranco campsite
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Stone scree

Mweka Huts to Mweka Gate

After a hearty and well-deserved breakfast, we make our way down to Mweka Gate. We will reach the gate around 2-3pm, and at this point we will receive our Summit Certificates, and say goodbye to our guides, cooks, and porters. We’ll transfer to your hotel in Moshi, where it is definitely time for celebrations!!!

  • Elevation: 3068m to 1640m
  • Distance: 10 km
  • Hiking Time: 3-4 hours
  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Rain Forest

Arusha to Airport

After a leisurely breakfast, you’ll stroll towards Mweka Gate through gorgeous forest scenery draped in cloud and mist. A Kilimanjaro Dreamers vehicle will be there to transport you back to Moshi where a hot shower, soft mattress and fresh set of clothes await.

  • Elevation: 3068m to 1640m
  • Distance: 10 km
  • Hiking Time: 3-4 hours
  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Habitat: Rain Forest


Today, you'll check out of your hotel and head back Kilimanjaro Airport in plenty of time for your onward flight.


  • Meet and greet service
  • Assistance at the airport on arrival
  • Mountain guide and porters
  • Transfer as specified
  • All park fees
  • Camping fees/Hut fees and rescue fees
  • All pre and post climb accommodation as mentioned from the itinerary
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners on the mountain
  • Airport tax


  • International flight
  • Travel Insurance
  • items of personal nature
  • Visas

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